Monday, October 5, 2009

Time and talent

First, I want to be sure to thank the bell choir for playing on Sunday morning. I heard lots of positive comments, and I think they added a nice touch to a familiar hymn. It's amazing how little things like different harmonies, arrangements, or descants can make us hear a piece of music in a new way.

That also provides me a chance to recruit a bit here. I know that all our members have received their "Time and Talent" forms to help drum up participation. I really want to encourage you to consider the musical opportunities - not just choir and bell choir - but perhaps you play an instrument? Or maybe you can't make the time commitment to choir but would be willing to sing a psalm or a solo?

The Bible mentions participation and music so many times. One of my favorites is Psalm 100: "Make a joyful noise to the Lord." It's a great reminder that we should all participate in making music together. You notice that it doesn't say "Sing joyfully in perfect four-part harmony to the Lord." In fact, I have sometimes seen it translated as "a joyful shout." There are ample opportunities for musicians of all abilities to participate, as well as learn and grow. Please consider it as you fill out your forms, and as always feel free to approach me or Cassie to learn more!

1 comment:

  1. Having just heard a Native American drum group provide some really emotional interpretations, I would agree that a "joyful shout" ought to have a definite place in life.
